Bhishag Ratna Ayurveda Vidwan B.V. Pundit was a graduate from the first batch of the Mysore Ayurvedic College. Supported by his mother, wife, a dear friend and a dream of serving humanity at large, he set out to the temple town of Nanjangudu, about 25 km down south from Mysore City, to make a humble beginning. B.V.Pundit established Sadvaidyasala in the year 1913.
He started off by manufacturing a few Ayurvedic medicines. Being a posthumous child, and having witnessed all the hardships endured by his mother during his upbringing, the strong need to establish himself was the greatest driving force of his life. He had the greatest respect for his mother and wouldn’t venture into anything without her consent. He toiled hard to sell his stock of medicines, cycling close to 50 kms to and fro from Nanjangud to Mysore, almost every da
y! His hard work and dedication soon paid off with the demand for his medicines growing by the day. B.V.Pundit started blooming into a successful businessman. He was ably supported by his wife Lakshmidevamma who handled the family as well as helped in the manufacturing in the initial years.
Belonging to the priestly class, religious practices came naturally to him and on once such religious occasion, closely observing a sacred homa (sacrificial/holy fire, as per Hindu rites and rituals), he hit upon the idea of using paddy husk ash as a base for a dentifrice, the first of its kind. He soon launched the toothpowder and the name Nanjangud Tooth Powder became a house-hold name not only in the state of Karnataka but the neighboring states too.
Encouraged by the response to this product and the growing popular demand, he partnered with Mr. Muttuswamy Iyer of United Concerns in Madras (Chennai). The sales of Nanjangud Tooth Powder grew leaps and bounds, so much that the train between Nanjangud and Mysore was christened the Tooth Powder Express.
B.V. Pundit was an ardent sports lover and in his younger days he would rarely miss out on an opportunity to play football or tennis at the town tennis club. He was a pious man believing in giving, he did many philanthropic deeds in the town of Nanjangud. He also donated generously towards the construction of a community hall in Nanjangud in memory of his father and a children’s ward at the Ayurvedic Hospital at Mysore as a dedication to his mother. He won many accolades for himself and the products that he had made. He was also recognized for his contributions to Ayurveda by several associations and also the Govt. of Karnataka.
B.V.Pundit was blessed with a good life, he was idealistic in many ways, selfless and unassuming, pious and upright, even when he left the planet for his heavenly abode he did so without causing the least bit of trouble to his kin, just requested for a mat to be put on the floor and lay down on it uttering Narayana, Narayana….. his last words.
Really great person
Great human being
Great service
Great contribution to the mankind
I was blessed by the great human being along with his wife during my upanayanam in 1970
Really great person
Great human being
I was blessed by Sri B V Pandit
And his wife during my upanayanam in 1970
Please follow modern techniques of marketing as your products are genuine.
We were using Nanjangudu Tooth powder in younger days. Is M L Prabha is your Trustee.She was my Collegemate at SVC.Mysore